The Memory Keeper's Daughter, by Kim Edwards is a heart-breaking story of one man's rash decision that changed multiple lives forever. When Norah goes into labor during a terrible storm, her husband, David is forced to deliver his own child. He is shocked to find that it is actually twins. The first baby is a boy and perfectly healthy, but the second baby is a girl and David knows instantly that she has Down Syndrome. Remembering how hard it was for his mother when his own sister with D.S. died at age 12, he quickly decides to put his baby girl in an institution, hoping to spare his family from suffering. He hands his daughter to the nurse and instructs her where to drop the baby off. When his wife wakes up, he lies and tells her that their second child died during childbirth. This pivotal moment defines and sculpts the rest of their lives.
This book broke my heart a little. It is beautifully written, dragging a little in the middle, but the story is both heart-wrenching and wonderful. I always knew that there were people in this world who thought less of people with Down Syndrome, but I had no idea how badly it really was in the 1960's. I know we still have a long way to go, but honestly, we have come really far. This book opened my eyes to a world I didn't know before. I really enjoyed this read and would highly recommend it.
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