Monday, October 29, 2012

The Forgotten Garden

A fellow librarian reccommended "The Forgotten  Garden" by Kate Morton to me and said that she was one of her very favorite authors. I had never heard of this book or this author, but I was very happy for the reccommendation because I ended up loving this book. "The Forgotten Garden" is about a four year old girl who gets abandoned on a ship bound to Australia from England. The girl is found by the man who runs the wharf in Australia and he takes her home and adopts her when there is no one else to claim her. When the girl is 21 the man tells the daughter the truth about her past. The novel is about her journey to discover the mystery of why she was abandoned when she was so young and is trying to find out who her birth parents are. The story jumps from each generation's view point which at first kind of gave me whiplash, but once you get used to the style of writing it is practically impossible to put the book down. Kate Morton is a very talented author and I think I will have to read more of her novels.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Bridge to Terabithia

I know it's been forever since I have been on here but life has been crazy busy this last month and finding time to read has kind of been a struggle. Fortunately for me though I have recently aquired a job as a librarian, so I am surrounded by books all day, everyday. I am finding it extremely difficult to not take a few home at least every week (okay okay, sometimes it's everyday). My latest read was 'A Bridge to Terabithia' by Katherine Paterson. This book is about two lonely children who are sick of being bullied at school and decide to create a magical world for themeselves where they are king and queen. Through this magical world they learn to be brave and discover the true meaning of friendship. It is a wonderful story of imagination, family, friendship, and coming of age. I read it in about six hours (ish) so it is a pretty quick read.

After I read the book I just had to watch the movie to see if it did it any justice- and it did! I loved the movie and would highly recommend it (after you have read the book of course). You can watch the trailer for it below. And yes, it includes the hearthrob from The Hunger Games (he is such a cutie!).