As many of you know, I am the biggest Harry Potter nerd ever. So when I found out that J.K. Rowling was writing a new book I almost fell over dead with excitement. Last night I started reading it and I only made it through 20 pages before I deemed it as a lost cause. Within those 20 pages not only had I read the F word a dozen times, read about some very crude things, but I was soooo bored! Something that has never happend to me while reading J.K. Rowling. I was beyond disappointed. So my advice is don't wast your time. This book has only received three stars on Amazon and most of the reviews are bad. I had such high expectations, but I feel like the girl off of '27 Dresses' when she says, "I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwhich."
My next disappointment, though much less of a disappointment than Rowling, was the second book of "Leven Thumps". I had read the first book, and although sometimes reading it felt like a chore, for the most part I enjoyed it. However, I started the second book in the series and didn't get very far. There was no build to the climax, the action just kind of hits you in the face from the very beginning, and I felt a little whiplashed. I also gave that up as a lost cause. However, I am not condeming it like I am Rowling's book. Some readers may enjoy this style of writing very much, it just was not my cup of tea.