This month I joined a book club and this is the first book that we read. 'Mary, Martha, and Me' by Camille Fronk Olsen is the story of the sisters Mary and Martha in the bible and the relationship they had with Christ. Camille Olsen delves deeper into the story of when Martha rebukes Mary to Christ for not helping her do the work that needs to be done. Mary chooses instead to feast upon the words of Christ. Christ responds to Martha by telling her that Mary has chosen the one needful thing.
This book definitely has some good insights to this story. For the most part I did enjoy reading this, but I was glad that it was a shorter novel because parts of it seemed kind of dry to me. I am one of those people that have a hard time reading "church talk" type books - but if that is your kind of thing than I would think you would really like this book. She had some good points and made me think about the two women and their differing personalities more than I have ever done before. I sometimes had a hard time with this story thinking that Chirst was being harsh to Martha. If she didn't do the work than everyone would be hungry right? This book helped me understand the scenario much better and is very thought provoking.